Z - What Is Zark / Zerk / Zirk / Zork / Zurk - The Short Definitions and Uses Compendium

Latest update: August 23, 2022. Page URL indicates original publication date; meanwhile, times change and the updates continue.

Z ≡ RK

I decided to research the land of zurk, zork, zirk, zerk, and zark. Someone had to do it. Interestingly, different spellcheckers each have their own different subsets of pet peeves concerning these words. Though this page is somewhat humorous, it is also 100% factual.

Zark Definition and Usage

Looks like zark came into being, courtesy of the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. It can also be used as a swear word. Merely use it in place of the F-bomb, e.g., "That guy can zark off".

Zerk Definition and Usage

A zerk is a grease fitting. Somehow I don’t think this particular definition will come up too often in conversations.

Zerk is also another word for crazy; as in, “He went zerk when Zurk said no.”

Zerk can also be used to refer to acceleration and deceleration; examples being, we zerk when the light turns green and we zerk when we come to a stop sign.

Zerk can also be used as a verb, as in zerking from the scene.

Zirk Definition and Usage

The act of conning or taking advantage of someone. One can zirk someone; and one can be zirked by someone. Example, “I know he zirked me on that deal.”

Zork Definition and Usage

A well-known computer game.

Zurk Definition and usage

Zurk is still awaiting admittance to the English language. The word as yet remains undefined. Zurk, as with some of the others, is also a surname. When someone with the Zurk surname does something notable, we will then have our zurk definition. A year 2022 update: various meanings and definitions are now showing up in searches for the word "zurk". It is unknown yet as to whether these transitory meanings and definitions will become permanent.

A Couple Random Notes

Zarkness, Zerkness, Zirkness, Zorkness, Zurkness are all popular user names.

As for zarkdom, zerkdom, zirkdom, zorkdom, and zurkdom; excepting for usage in some fictional stories, these words are likewise still awaiting usage and definitions in the English language. I figure it is only a matter of time.

And this concludes the what is, uses for, and definitions of zork, zerk, zark, zirk, and zurk.

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