Friday the 13th Guide for May and October, 2023

Latest update: January 2, 2023. Page URL indicates original publication date; meanwhile, times change and the updates continue.

Beware the Epic Fail

We have two Friday the 13th days in year 2023.
  • January 2023
  • October 2023

A Short Friday the 13th Guide

  • Beware the power of suggestion; if not yours, then others.
  • Beware the powers of coincidence.
  • Inspect those car tires before driving to work today.
  • Ambiguously timed yellow light? Today you choose to stop.
  • Beware idiot drivers. 
  • Beware idiot pedestrians.
  • An out-of-sorts coworker or boss? Unobtrusive avoidance is the key.
  • Someone wants to talk politics or religion with you today? Best to avoid that.
  • An email attachment from a stranger? Best not to open that.
  • Making a spontaneous, online post or email? Maybe reread before firing off that critter.
  • Computer doing anything weird? Virus/malware scanning time.
  • Feeling overly optimistic? Feeling overly pessimistic? Either way, extra thought prior to action is not a bad idea.
  • Engaging a new service provider? Always check the BBB and Yelp reviews first.
  • A strange telephone caller? Scammers and solicitors are the norm these days. Don't answer or quickly hang up if you do. Well, actually you should always do that anyway. Come to think of it, that pretty much applies to everything on this list.

Have a safe Friday the 13th. Our country continues to be a mess, re: politics, the economy, civil unrest, and possibly even some more pandemic adventures. Expectations are that things will eventually be better. but these are wild times and no one really knows.

And then there is that thing called entropy; here are the top 10 ways entropy messes with us. It is not pretty, but that's the way it is; at least it is presented in a somewhat humorous light. Well worth the read and helps put things in perspective.

- End of Article -

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1 comment:

  1. Friday the 13th doesn't scare me. In fact, I think I'll walk under a ladder while carrying broken mirror pieces and stepping on all the cracks! LOL


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