Showing posts with label Metaphysics. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Metaphysics. Show all posts

Entropy Meaning in Life - Simple Concept of Disorder – Real World Examples of Complicating Our Everyday Lives...

...and Why Do Things Go Wrong?

Latest update: December 4, 2024. Page URL indicates original publication date; meanwhile, times change, and the updates continue.

If you are looking for how entropy is an integral part of our lives, then you have found it. An alternate title for this page would be: The Reality of Entropy - The Top 10 Ways Entropy Messes with Us.

Among other things, this page has two lists. There is a short description list of examples as to ways entropy messes with and affects our daily lives. And then there is a long description list of examples explaining exactly how entropy does this.

For some readers this page will be humorous. For some readers this page will be serious. For some readers this page will be cynical. All of these perceptions would be correct. And it should be noted there are more than 10 ways scattered around this page. Lucky us.

List of Examples of the Effects of Entropy in Our Daily Lives

  • Why do things break down? That's entropy.
  • Why is Murphy's Law so prevalent? That's entropy.
  • Why do things malfunction? That's entropy.
  • Why are we obstructed in everything we try to do? That's entropy.
  • Why are there a hundred times more mistakes than accomplishments? That's entropy.
  • Why are there a hundred times more failures than successes? That's entropy.

The Universe - Entropy Is the Built-in Randomness of Reality

What does entropy mean to humanity? Whenever a human or humankind in general tries to create order, entropy immediately begins to disassemble it. This is why any man-made object will immediately begin to deteriorate upon its completion. It does not matter if it's a newly manufactured stick of gum or a newly constructed, 100-story skyscraper; the result is always the same. Entropy immediately begins doing everything in its power to render it useless, broken-down, and of no value.

Chaos and Entropy

"Most of the fundamental ideas of science are essentially simple, and may, as a rule, be expressed in a language comprehensible to everyone." - Albert Einstein in The Evolution of Physics

Why Things Break – List of Examples of How Entropy Works and Some of Its Methodologies

How Entropy Uses Oxidation

One of entropy's favorite methods. With any physical item humankind creates, whether made of most metals or other materials, entropy will immediately start to change the object's chemical structure. In due course the object's chemical composition becomes such that the object's original purpose is no longer viable; plain, ordinary rust being the most well-known example. Another common example are liquids. Pretty much any liquid, whether relating to food or industrial manufacturing, begins to decompose and becomes useless fairly quickly when not immediately used for its intended purpose.

How Entropy Uses Gravity

Another favorite tool of entropy. Quite simply, entropy will keep pulling on each and every object until the object comes crashing down; no matter how long it takes, entropy never quits. And the larger the object, the more forceful the gravity and the more determined entropy becomes. Breakage and injuries, whether animate or inanimate, are the norm.

How Entropy Uses Friction

Another tool of entropy. The more often-used term for "friction" is "wear-and-tear". Every time an object is used, it is subjected to wear-and-tear. Sooner or later, the wear-and-tear renders the object no longer usable. Cars and other vehicles being the most well-known examples. However, entropy's industriousness is also equally busy with all other manufactured machinery as well. There does happen to be one scenario where friction is a good thing, but this website is not going there.

How Entropy Uses Contamination

One of entropy's often used tools. This is where entropy uses one class of objects to destroy another class of objects. Probably the top categories of objects entropy uses to destroy other objects and entities are bacteria, viruses, and even plain, ordinary dust. In fact, when entropy isn't using oxidation to destroy all man made foods or industrially made liquids, contamination is what entropy then brings into play.

How Entropy Uses Heat

Otherwise known as an increase in temperature. For every degree increase in temperature, entropy accelerates decomposition, deterioration, and destruction of the target object. Heat is entropy's favorite method for rendering any and all manufactured machinery and electronics useless. A decrease of temperature to .01 degrees Kelvin is minimum entropy. An increase of temperature to x millions/billions of degrees is maximum entropy.

How Entropy Uses the Synergy and Combinations of Destructive Methods

Combining methods from the above list is also an entropic standard procedure. Entropy really likes using combinations of methods where possible, reason being the acceleration of the destruction; usually exponentially. The best example is where friction generates heat, which causes expansion, which causes more friction, which causes more heat, ad infinitum; the inevitable and sometimes quick result being the destruction of the victim object. Any manufactured item with moving parts is where this most often comes into play.

How Entropy Uses Cross-Purposes

Another often overlooked tool of entropy. Aside from the inherent cross-purposes designed into what we perceive as nature; we tend to forget that humans are also part of the same construct. So much so that humans are at cross-purposes more often than they are at equilibrium. The more disagreement, the more entropy. Taken to extreme, there is much more entropy during war than peace.

Randomness and Probability

Randomness – Entropy's Favorite Tool of All

Randomness can otherwise be defined as thermodynamics and/or quantum physics. The only difference between the two being the size of the object's that entropy uses as its tools. In the case of thermodynamics, entropy uses atoms and molecules as its implementer. In the case of quantum physics, entropy uses subatomic particles. In both cases, whether they be molecules, atoms, or subatomic particles; the little critters immediately start randomly wandering around and going places where we don't want them to go.

Probability – Entropy Uses This Tool When It Just Wants to Have Fun

Two cars arriving at an intersection at the same time is an example of this. And then there are the asteroids, very large meteors, etc.... They can and do intersect Earth's orbit every now and again. And of course sooner or later, Earth is just going to happen to be there at the time. Probability is really just an attempt to understand the aforementioned category of randomness; with the additional factor of randomness using the much larger objects along with the smaller ones.

Entropy Is the Opposite of Order

Entropy is change, invariably for the worse. Entropy is constant. The proverb, "Change is constant", is true. Entropy is the antithesis and enemy of order. Energy and matter are in constant flux. Entropy's favorite concepts, quite simply, are: decomposition, destruction, deterioration, and chaos.

How does one compensate for and accept entropy? Keeping the following premises in mind will help.
  • Entropy is not our friend.
  • Entropy can be slowed but never stopped.
  • Entropy can be postponed but never defeated.
  • Nothing lasts forever.
  • The universe doesn't care.

Entropy takes it all, whether you want it to or not, entropy takes it all. Entropy bears it away, and in the end, there is only darkness. *
*A paraphrased quote from Stephen King.

Have a nice day.

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Scope and Meaning of Metaphysics - Examples - Thinking Outside the Box

Latest update: July 25, 2022
Page URL indicates original publication date; meanwhile, times change and the updates continue.

What Is Metaphysics and the Metaphysical –
Science / Philosophy / Spiritual

An artist's rendition of metaphysics - Source: NASA

The Undefined Science

Metaphysics – not even Stanford and Wikipedia can agree on neither a succinct nor an encompassing meaning or definition for metaphysics. This is because:
  • The definitions and meanings of metaphysics and the metaphysical keep changing.
  • The study and science of metaphysics includes an almost unlimited number of subcategories.
  • The most respected minds in academia, the sciences, and even in the general population are continually unable to reach an agreement as to the perfect meaning or definition.
  • There are disputes as to what does and does not belong in the study or category of metaphysics and the metaphysical.

One definition or meaning for metaphysics could be the sciences and non-sciences that cannot be put in another category are put into the category of metaphysics. However, this meaning or definition would not be complete; because there are sciences that are studied and categorized in other categories that are also included as a part of metaphysics and the metaphysical.

For certain disciplines, the discipline is a subset of metaphysics; and metaphysics is a subset of the discipline. In other words, each is a subset of the other depending on the context and/or the parameters used.

An example:
A. There is the philosophical part of metaphysics.
B. There is the metaphysical part of philosophy.

What is Metaphysics and the Metaphysical -
Thinking Outside the Box

Problems can have more than one solution.

The scope of subjects such as cosmology, ontology, physics, philosophy, existence, time and space, astrobiology, perception, etc are generally undisputed as being both part of metaphysics and outside of metaphysics. It all depends on the subcategory of the main subject being addressed.

Other examples and subjects continually being associated with the scope of metaphysics include paranormal, astrology, New Age, spiritual, meditation, wisdom, karma, determinism, fate, shaman, unity, reiki, psychic, mind and matter, meaning of life, feng shui, etc.; the metaphysical and quasi-metaphysical list can be a long one.

Metaphysics is the perfect place to “think outside the box”. One is allowed to research any theory or hypothesis you wish. You are allowed to follow any chain of logic to wherever it goes. Combining what first appears to be unrelated subjects to derive unusual metaphysical conclusions is perfectly acceptable. In other words, the scope of metaphysics allows one to explore and experiment without constraint.

Philosophy vs Metaphysics -
Perception / Perspective / Reality

What Is Spiritual Metaphysics

Spiritual metaphysics versus religion. What is spiritual metaphysics? It is similar, but not the same as religion.
  • What is religion? Religion is where one makes up whatever they want.
  • Spiritual metaphysics on the other hand, attempts to base its conclusions on logic. As humankind's logic and thinking abilities evolve, so does spiritual metaphysics.

Metaphysical and Philosophical Thoughts, Quotes, Ramblings, Examples... And possibly a little scattered humor.

  • In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded.
  • With all that goes on in life and reality, the only possible conclusion is we are all lab rats.
  • Most everything means nothing.
  • Time can sometimes cure a problem all by itself. Though can be an excellent excuse for procrastination; it is more often than not, not a wise choice.
  • Free will exists. But it is limited. And it is more limited with some than with others.
  • Sometimes one can actually choose whether a problem exists or not.
  • Faith is the death of intelligence.
  • The fatal flaw of logic is its presumption of being aware of all relevant premises. However, awareness of all relevant factors is seldom the true situation. The best one can hope for is a probable prediction.
  • No one belongs here more than you.
  • No one belongs here less than you.
  • One of the most important lessons a person can learn in life is that other people are as real behind their eyes as you are behind yours.
  • Miscommunication can cause more problems than all other factors combined. Always examine a perceived negative statement twice; it may not be negative at all. Give others the benefit of the doubt.
  • Time and Space. Can't live with it. Can't live without it.
  • Life is an iterative process.
More quotes of all kinds: Best Quotes.

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An Existential Definition of the Binary Encoding of the Universe

Latest update: July 25, 2022. Page URL indicates original publication date; meanwhile, times change and the updates continue.

Theory of a Physical Reality Philosophy -
A Math - Physics - Metaphysics Approach

Alternate titles

  • How to Interpret 0 and 1
  • The Numbers 0 and 1 Defines Nonexistence versus Existence
  • What Is the Mathematical and Metaphysical Concept and Significance of the Numbers 0 and 1
  • 1 - The First Non Zero Number - What Is the Meaning of Zero and One
  • Binary Reality Fact of Existence
  • It's All Ones and Zeros
  • Does Negative Zero Exist

One Represented by Many

The Basic Interpretation of 0 and 1

This is a somewhat metaphysical approach as to the existence, meaning, concept, and significance of the numbers 0 and 1. What are the meanings of 0 and 1? What does 0 and 1 really signify?

Zero and One are the most important numbers of all the numbers in the universe. Zero and One defines the difference between existence (1) and nonexistence (0). All other numbers signifying existence can only exist when 1 exists. One is the opposite of none.

1 and 0 are the demarcation defining what is and what is not.

All numbers other than 1 are more of 1 or are none.

0 and 1 are the only numbers times themselves that are themselves. All other numbers become other numbers.

A successful division of 1 by a number other than 1 can only occur when the 1 is not a true 1. The 1 was, in fact, the sum of smaller 1's.

1 is not the first prime number. Contrary to popular belief, 1 is not a prime number at all.

0 exists when 1 or 1's do not exist. -1 cannot exist unless 1 exists. -0 does not exist. or does it?

Does -0 Exist? Otherwise known as Does the Concept of Negative Zero Exist?

If -0 equals 1, then -1 would equal 0; but it does not. So in math, -0 does not exist.

Logic and metaphysical logic, however could be different. Negative can mean not or can mean opposite. A Not 1 means it is equal to anything other than one. An opposite to one would be equal to 0. So not 1 and opposite to 1 have different meanings.

Applying the same logic to zero, however, gives us different results. A not zero means it is equal to anything other than zero; an opposite to zero means it is equal to anything other than zero. So not zero and opposite to zero are equal, whereas not one and opposite to one are not.

It therefore follows that stating -0 is also stating that the concept of not is the same as the concept of opposite. In other words, not equals opposite. That is not true. The meaning of not does not mean the same as the meaning of opposite. So -0 must be interpreted as a false statement, thus -0 does indeed not exist.

The Diverse or Abstract Interpretation of 1 and the Universe

The concept of the number 1 is greatly dependent on the undefined premise of "one what?". Every time science thinks it has found a true one, it invariably turns out to not be so. As an example, the atom was once thought to be the one true basic building block of the universe. But then it turned out the atoms were composed of the smaller 1's of electrons, protons, and neutrons. And now we have quarks, leptons, strangelets, etc. to contend with.

Who knows? Maybe there is no true one. Everything will always be discovered to be composed of something smaller. However, in its most basic form (if we can ever find it), all else derives from one. One is the definition, reality, concept, and source of all existence.

The Binary Base 2 Numbering System

Nothing versus something is the root of the binary system of numbers.

We use Base 10 in our day-to-day living. Base 10 has ten numbers (0-9) and orders of magnitude that are times ten. The lowest-order number represents itself times one. The next-order number represents itself times ten. The next order number represents itself times 10x10 or itself times 100. And so on.

An example would be the number 742. This number means that there are:
  • two 1’s,
  • four 10’s,
  • and seven 100’s.
Which represents 2 + 40 + 700; for a total of 742.

The base 2 binary number system uses the same structure, the only difference being the order of magnitude. Base 2 has two numbers (0 and 1) and orders of magnitude that are times two. The lowest-order number represents itself times one. The next-order number represents itself times 2. The next order number represents itself times 2x2 or itself times 4. And so on.

An example would be the number 110. This number means that there are:
  • No 1’s,
  • one 2,
  • and one 4.
Which represents 0 + 2 + 4; for a total of 6.

Other binary examples are:
  • 0=0, 1=1
  • 10=2, 11=3
  • 100=4, 101=5, 110=6, 111=7
  • 1000=8, 1001=9, 1010=10, 1011=11, 1100=12, 1101=13, 1110=14, 1111=15
  • 10000=16

Binary is the mathematical representation of how the universe encodes itself.

Here are the quick lessons on this and the other: Base Number Counting Systems. All on one page.

1 and the Base 10 Pyramid

And what page about the base 10 number 1 would be complete without the usual acknowledgement of the series of 1's times themselves (squared)...

  • 1² = 1
  • 11² = 121
  • 111² = 12321
  • 1111² = 1234321
  • 11111² = 123454321
  • 111111² = 12345654321
  • 1111111² = 1234567654321
  • 11111111² = 123456787654321
  • 111111111² = 12345678987654321

The binary paradigm is the foundation of the universe, including fractals (recursive geometric shapes) and chaos theory (the butterfly effect).

NASA deep space photo demonstrating fractals/chaos theory

There is no reason to believe the concept of "many" excludes the concept of multiple realities.

A visual representation of the theory of parallel and/or alternate universes.

Humankind relative to the universe

There are no extra pieces in the universe (-Deepak Chopra). You are here for a reason.

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Friday the 13th Guide for May and October, 2023

Latest update: January 2, 2023. Page URL indicates original publication date; meanwhile, times change and the updates continue.

Beware the Epic Fail

We have two Friday the 13th days in year 2023.
  • January 2023
  • October 2023

A Short Friday the 13th Guide

  • Beware the power of suggestion; if not yours, then others.
  • Beware the powers of coincidence.
  • Inspect those car tires before driving to work today.
  • Ambiguously timed yellow light? Today you choose to stop.
  • Beware idiot drivers. 
  • Beware idiot pedestrians.
  • An out-of-sorts coworker or boss? Unobtrusive avoidance is the key.
  • Someone wants to talk politics or religion with you today? Best to avoid that.
  • An email attachment from a stranger? Best not to open that.
  • Making a spontaneous, online post or email? Maybe reread before firing off that critter.
  • Computer doing anything weird? Virus/malware scanning time.
  • Feeling overly optimistic? Feeling overly pessimistic? Either way, extra thought prior to action is not a bad idea.
  • Engaging a new service provider? Always check the BBB and Yelp reviews first.
  • A strange telephone caller? Scammers and solicitors are the norm these days. Don't answer or quickly hang up if you do. Well, actually you should always do that anyway. Come to think of it, that pretty much applies to everything on this list.

Have a safe Friday the 13th. Our country continues to be a mess, re: politics, the economy, civil unrest, and possibly even some more pandemic adventures. Expectations are that things will eventually be better. but these are wild times and no one really knows.

And then there is that thing called entropy; here are the top 10 ways entropy messes with us. It is not pretty, but that's the way it is; at least it is presented in a somewhat humorous light. Well worth the read and helps put things in perspective.

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