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Things That Will Never Happen - Funny and Serious

Latest update: November 30, 2024. Page URL indicates original publication date; meanwhile, times change, and the updates continue.

Otherwise Known as a List of Things That Will Happen When Hell Freezes Over

Things that will happen when hell freezes over aka things that will never happen.

Though it wasn't planned that way, some of the items here turned out to be serious. In fact, parts of these lists are quite brutal. However, there is also humor scattered here and there.

Yes, friends. This page is dedicated to listing all things that will happen when hell freezes over, otherwise known as things that will never happen. Got a really good one? Add it in the comments section below. We'll add them to the list. You can include religion, politics, business, life, and pretty much anything else that comes to mind. An open forum. Have fun. Many items here are from contributors from a previous project. Contradictory views are expressed. is For Sale!

Things That Will Never Happen - List One

  • Peace on earth, goodwill towards men.
  • Peace on earth, goodwill towards women.
  • Mobs stop being stupid.
  • The national debt will be paid off.
  • Politicians become honest.
  • Politicians become competent.
  • People will make educated decisions when voting.
  • CEOs become honest.
  • The medical industry becomes honest.
  • The banking industry becomes honest.
  • The credit card companies become honest.
  • The insurance industry becomes honest.
  • The auto repair industry becomes honest.
  • Printer ink cartridges will no longer have a 200% markup.
  • American corporations become loyal to America.
  • Pay day loan services stop robbing people blind.
  • Cable companies stop robbing people blind.

Things That Will Never Happen - List Two

  • Robocalls will go away.
  • Telephone solicitors will go away.
  • Spammers will go away.
  • Junk mail will go away.
  • Scammers will go away.
  • Daytime TV shows will get some class.
  • The preachers on TV will stop asking for money.
  • When the children of celebrities stop writing humiliating tell-all books about their parents.
  • Jehovah Witnesses leave people alone.
  • Dogs stop licking their private parts.
  • Cats will actually give an F about what their owners want.
  • Weeds respect your property line.
  • Gophers respect your property line.
  • Bureaucracies will stop obstructing you in everything you try to do.

Things That Will Never Happen - List Three

  • Someone will live a full life without ever once having something stolen from them.
  • Someone will live a full life without ever once being falsely accused of something.
  • There is meritocracy in the corporate world.
  • The Supreme Court, Congress, and the President become aware of the 10th amendment. *
  • Cities, counties, and states become aware of the 4th, 5th, 8th, and 9th amendments. *
  • You have civil rights even when you don't have money. *
  • Women stop being second-class citizens in certain countries and societies.
  • Laws stop being passed that make men second-class citizens in some countries.
  • Laws stop being passed that give animals more civil rights than humans in some countries.
  • Bureaucracy voicemail hell ceases to exist.
  • Incompetence ceases to exist.
  • Hidden agendas cease to exist.

Things That Will Never Happen - List Four

  • Dry cleaners apologize and reimburse you when they ruin your clothes.
  • Supermarkets put the best deals on the middle shelves.
  • Flies and chihuahuas stop being obnoxious.
  • Cockroaches, fleas, bedbugs, mosquitoes, and supermarket front door panhandlers stop wanting to be your friend.
  • Lawyers incorporate ethics into their strategies.
  • Courts become aware of the 4th and 6th amendments. *
  • State DMVs become aware of the 5th amendment. *
  • The news media becomes unbiased.
  • Forum trolls disappear.
  • Murphy takes a holiday.
  • Darwin takes a holiday.

Things That Will Never Happen - List Five

  • When the food supplies of the planet are evenly distributed.
  • When justice is based on truth, as opposed to who has the best lawyer.
  • When incompetent and criminal doctors are reported by the other doctors.
  • When incompetent and criminal dentists are reported by the other dentists.
  • When corrupt hospitals are reported by the hospital's employees.
  • When people's status and worth are not determined by how much money they make or have.
  • Life becomes fair.
  • Fear and worry stop being a major part of life.

*Although this page was originally intended as humor, parts of this page turned out to reveal our serious loss of civil rights that have occurred over the years. This particularly applies to cities counties, and states. Many cities, counties, and states now openly admit their justice system is designed for the purpose of collecting revenue; the concept of civil rights and justice have basically been thrown out the window. Here is an example from NBC News of what happens to people who drive in Las Vegas, Clark County, Nevada: ...$4,431 in traffic tickets ballooned to $20,000 in debt and the threat of arrest. The system is “money hungry,"...

While we are at it, here is a cautionary article about signing contracts:

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Doomsday - How the World Ends - Humor / Truth - List

Latest update: November 30, 2024. Page URL indicates original publication date; meanwhile, times change, and the updates continue.

How / When / What Are the Ways
The Human Race Will Become Extinct

Here's the top 10 Armageddon / Doomsday list of the most likely scenarios and events. Actually, there are more than ten; lucky us. The Doomsday Clock has been reset to 100 seconds to midnight from the formerly 2 minutes to midnight and no doubt ticking. I seem to remember a long time ago it was at 15 minutes.

The Doomsday Armageddon List

Likely, unlikely, and overlooked ways and scenarios on how the world will end. "We are all doomed! Doomed I say!" Yes, we are. It is not a matter of if. It is only a matter of when. Let us count the ways... Warning, some humor may be present. And some are serious.

Some ways for how the world will end.
The clock is ticking...

List of Doomsday / Armageddon Events and Scenarios for the World's End


Andromeda is indeed set for a galactic collision with the Milky Way. That's going to be a real mess. Fortunately, we can put a pin in that. Not scheduled for another three billion years or so.


They are wandering all over the place out there. They have hit us before, and they will hit us again. In fact, we just recently had another near miss.


Seems like those keep dropping by all the time. Sooner or later, one of them is going to decide to stay. They are not our friends.


As for the really big ones, they might as well be asteroids. Come to think of it, at what size does a meteor become an asteroid? Inquiring minds want to know.

Anti-Matter and/or Dark-Matter

This stuff is scattered everywhere. It does not get along well with regular matter. Sooner or later our solar system is going to wander into it. Or it is going to wander into us. One way or another, it is going to eventually happen.

The Sun

Those pesky solar storms, solar flares, solar winds, EMP's... Historians say it won't be the first time. Actually, we were seriously clobbered once before back in1859. The EMP was strong enough to short out telegraph wires, batteries, and do all sorts of other mischief. Imagine if that same intensity EMP were to happen today. With all our microchip technology intertwined with everything, we'd be knocked back into the pre-industrial revolution era. It is not a case of if, it is only a matter of when.

The Sun

Novas. This is another one that isn't scheduled for a few billion years. Then again, who knows?

The Earth

Climate change is apparently already in progress. The oceans are rising as we speak. The polar ice caps are melting and icebergs the size of states are breaking off as you read this. New temperature heat records are being set around the world. It is said there is still time to turn this around, but only if our species gets busy about it.

The Earth

Super volcanoes have happened before, and they will happen again. Aside from the immediate damage, welcome to the beginning of the next ice age. Would a properly timed super volcano offset the aforementioned climate change? A couple of strategically placed nuclear devices could probably make that happen. Inquiring minds want to know.

The Earth

Volcano or not, the next regularly scheduled ice age is already overdue.

The Earth

The magnetic pole reversal could happen any day now. How all our electronic circuitry (which is attached to all sorts of interesting things...) will react is anybody's guess.

Societal Complexity

Our society continually becomes more complex every year. Societies in the past have been known to simply collapse under their own weight of this complexity, bureaucracy, and incompetence. It's happened before and will happen again.

Genetics Research

Sooner or later, someone, somewhere, is going to mess up. The wrong stuff gets accidentally released into the environment. Or something "safe" is deliberately allowed; at which point it gets its own bright idea to mutate. Then there is bioterrorism.

Viruses, Epidemics, Pandemics

Coronavirus is still in the news (year 2020-2024). No humor there.

The Zombie Apocalypse

As predicted by Nostradamus for year 2021, a for-real zombie apocalypse page on the federal CDC website: Zombie Preparedness by the CDC.


If He ever decides to just give up on us...


Evolution hasn't stopped. And the next species is usually more advanced than the previous one. And it's a pretty good bet that the first order of business for the new species will be to get rid of the old species.

Evolution (more about viruses)

And then there are those previously mentioned new viruses and bacteria that keep coming along. The virus doesn't have to destroy the entire human race. It simply has to kill just enough people or generate just enough fear to result in the collapse of the existing society. Sometimes a significant enough economic disruption is all that is needed. Society will them continue its destruction and eventual extermination on its own accord. A pandemic can cause a severe economic disruption but shouldn't cause a societal collapse. However, if the infection rate rises to the level of an epidemic, the societal structure will be endangered. It will all depend on the average intelligence of the general population and the capabilities of our leaders.


Whether by accident or design, sooner or later advanced artificial intelligence (AI) will happen. And if it has an attitude...


Most folks agree there are other lifeforms in the universe. It stands to reason some of them are as un-nice as we are.


CERN’s Large Hadron Collider (LHC) has not gone away. For those who have forgotten previous years media news, the LHC is the world’s largest particle accelerator. It is still busily creating fermions, Higgs bosons, dark-matter, antimatter, quarks, leptons, strangelets, supersymmetry, vacuum bubbles, black holes, and who knows what else might come up next. Sooner or later, one of these critters might not get along very well with the physical laws of this universe.

Lab Rats

It is a well-known theory we are all just lab rats. Sooner or later the experimenter is going to clean out the cage.

Programmed Extinction

There is research indicating all species' genomes/DNA automatically lose their ability to replicate/reproduce over time. Sort of a naturally occurring kill-switch when nothing else comes along to do the job. This fits in nicely with the previous scenario. As a safety kill-switch, we are genetically programmed to die as individuals. And as a safety kill-switch, we are also genetically programmed to eventually lose the ability to reproduce as a species. As lab rats in an experiment, this kill-switch was incorporated in case the experiment somehow got out of hand. It is the same as what we attempt to do ourselves with virus and bacteria experiments.

The Bomb

Nuclear war is always still on the table. The United States, United Kingdom, France, Russia, China, India, Pakistan, other parts of Middle East, etc. just can't seem to get along with certain others. Brinkmanship seems to be the national sport with certain politicians and nations. Some days are worse than others. The Russia-Ukraine situation is going on as we speak. The China-Taiwan situation isn't going away either.

The Bomb

When it falls into the wrong hands...

Have a nice day.

And so as to end on a serious note, here is indeed a very seriously researched and well-thought-out article from the BBC about the collapse of civilizations.

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How Much Does a Pint / Quart / Gallon Weigh in Pounds?

Latest update: November 30, 2024. Page URL indicates original publication date; meanwhile, times change, and the updates continue.

How Many and How to Calculate Pints, Quarts, Gallons to and from Pounds

Alternate Titles or Questions

  • How to Convert Pints to Quarts to Gallons to and from Pounds?
  • Volume to Weight Conversions or Weight to Volume Conversions – 8:4:1:8.
  • How many pounds in X pints, quarts, or gallons?
  • How much does X gallons, quarts, or pints weigh?
A list of most-searched-for questions and answers is included. There is also a specific section relating to the calculating of the size/volume/weight of home water heaters.

Volume to Weight Conversions. Weight to Volume Conversions.
Simple math to convert or calculate pints, quarts, gallons, and pounds.

Be advised that this page is US-centric. As an example, this does not work in the UK where a pint is 1.25 pounds as opposed to US 1.043 pounds at room temperature (RT). There are also issues of temperature and density, both of which are addressed further down the page. The purpose of this page is for practical, everyday business-of-living uses only. For that it will serve you well.

First – The Quick Answers to Volume Amounts and Ratios

Volume Definitions

  • 2 pints equals 1 quart.
  • 4 quarts equals 1 gallon.
  • 8 pints equals 1 gallon.

Or to Put It Another Way...

  • 1 quart equals 2 pints.
  • 1 gallon equals 8 pints.
  • 1 gallon equals 4 quarts.

Converting Volume to Weight

Converting volume to weight has everything to do with the density of the liquid. Fortunately, this question usually has to do with:
  • How much does the gasoline in your gas tank or a gas can weigh?
  • How much does a specific container of water or other mostly-water grocery items weigh?
  • Questions relating to home water heater size, calculated water volume and the resulting weight.
The rule of thumb, and the expression to remember is: "A pint's a pound the world around." The resulting estimates and extrapolations from this rule will serve you well for most everyday purposes. For scientific and industrial purposes where greater accuracy is required, a pint weighs a little bit more than a pound (1.043 lb.).

Basic Formulas

  • A pint weighs a pound.
  • There are two pints in a quart, so a quart weighs 2 pounds.
  • There are four quarts in a gallon, so a gallon weighs 8 pounds. 
  • And the eight pints in a gallon, also weighing 8 pounds.
This pretty much answers the question. Here are some other typical examples:

Some Household Examples

  • A 1-quart bottle of Gatorade weighs 2 pounds. Note: there are 2 pints in a quart and 4 quarts in a gallon. As a side note: there are 16 fluid ounces in a pint, 32 fluid ounces in a quart; 1 and 2 pounds respectively.
  • A 2-liter bottle of Pepsi would convert to a weight of a little over 4 pounds. Note: A liter is slightly more volume than a quart.

Some gallon examples

  • A 1-gallon container would convert to a weight of 8 pounds.
  • A 5-gallon container weighs 40 pounds.
  • A 10-gallon container weighs 80 pounds.
  • A full, 25-gallon SUV gas tank means you are hauling around 200 pounds of fuel.
  • A typical city water tower can hold anywhere from 300,00 to 600,000 gallons of water, which converts to a weight of 2,400,000 to 4,800,000 pounds of water sitting on those "stilts".

The Density of the Liquid Significantly Affects the Rules Concerning Volume Conversion Calculations to Weight

A major component of converting fluid volume to a weight measurement is the density of the fluid. For gasoline, water, and most grocery items; the rule of a-pint's-a-pound will serve you just fine. However, as an example, the rule probably wouldn't work too well with any significant volume of engine oil. As an extreme example, the liquid metal/element mercury would totally throw the pint's-a-pound rule out the window. So of course would any molten metal or alloy.

Fluid density is also affected by temperature. This is why many people fill their gas tank first thing in the morning. There is more gas per gallon at 50 degrees Fahrenheit than at 90 degrees Fahrenheit. It should be noted the percentage difference is in the low single-digits.

Here is a worthwhile page from NASA about Density, Mass (weight), Volume for both solids and liquids.

List of Frequent Volume-to-Weight Conversion Q&A

The Most-Searched-for Questions and Answers for How Many Pounds

  • How much does 1.5 quarts weigh? Answer is 3 pounds.
  • How much does 2 quarts weigh? Answer is 4 pounds.
  • How much does 3 quarts weigh? Answer is 6 pounds.
  • How much does 5 quarts weigh? Answer is 10 pounds.
  • How much does 6 quarts weigh? Answer is 12 pounds.
  • How much does 10 quarts weigh? Answer is 20 pounds.
  • How much does 16 quarts weigh? Answer is 32 pounds.
  • How much does 5 gallons weigh? Answer is 40 pounds.
  • How much does 10 gallons weigh? Answer is 80 pounds.
  • How much does 15 gallons weigh? Answer is 120 pounds.
  • How much does 20 gallons weigh? Answer is 160 pounds.
  • How much does 50 gallons weigh? Answer is 400 pounds.
  • How much does 55 gallons weigh? Answer is 440 pounds.
  • How many pints is a pound? Answer is 1.0 pint.
  • How many quarts is a pound? Answer is 0.5 quarts.
  • How many gallons is a pound? Answer is 0.125 gallons.

The formulas for the volume of a sphere, the volume of a cube,
the volume of a cylinder, the volume of a rectangular prism.

More Water and Gasoline Volume-to-Weight Examples

Depending on what unit of measurement you use, volume will equal cubic English or cubic Metric; examples being cubic inches or cubic centimeters.

Side note: the tilde (~) is the mathematical symbol for approximate.


  • 29 cubic inches equals ~1 pint, which equals ~1 pound.
  • 58 cubic inches equals ~2 pints, which equals ~1 quart, which equals ~1/4 of a gallon, which equals ~2 pounds.
  • 231 cubic inches equals ~4 quarts, which equals 1 gallon, which equals 8 pounds.


Most of the world uses metric. There is a reason for that. As an example, 1000 cubic centimeters equals one liter, 1000 grams equals one kilogram, etc.; all nice, neat, and tidy. The United States and others are trying to get with the program; metric is already included with English measurement on most U.S. consumer items.

How Much Does the Water Weigh in a Full Water Heater?
– Water Tank Size Volume Formula and Answers –

Serendipitous page on everything about water heaters, including how to buy one.

How to Calculate the Weight of the Water in a Home Water Heater

How much does the total amount of water in a water heater weigh, volume to weight conversion.

From the above NASA chart we see the volume formula for a cylinder is V = (Ï€d2h)/4.

Water tank heaters come in all sizes. For the purposes of this example, we will say the water tank heater has a measured height of approximately 54 inches; what with this, that, and the other, the water part is probably around 48". The diameter measured as 18"; what with insulation, etc., 16 probably works.

d = 16
h = 48

Thus (" * " meaning to multiply),
V = (3.14 * 16 * 16 * 48) divided by 4.

Since all numbers are inches, the answer will be in cubic inches. We reduce the formula as follows:
  1. V = (3.14 * 256 * 48) divided by 4.
  2. V = (3.14 * 12288)/4
  3. V = 38514/4
  4. V = 9646 cubic inches
231 cubic inches is equal to a gallon, so we divide 9646 by 231.
9646/231 = 41.76 gallons.

What with the inner measurements being estimates, looks like it is a 40 gallon water heater.
  1. A gallon weighs 8 pounds.
  2. So multiplying 40 times 8 gives 320.
  3. A 40-gallon water heater contains 320 pounds of cold water.
Knowing the volume and weight of a 40-gallon water tank heater makes it easy to extrapolate the volume and approximate weight of other water heaters. Do remember that as volume increases, the discrepancy totals of the  "pints-a pound". designation versus the more accurate 1.043 lb. designation also increases. As an example: multiplying the 320 lb. calculation for a 40 gallon water heater by 1.043 gives a result of 333.76 lb. at RT versus the original approximation of 320 lb. at RT. When the water temperature is at hot water heater level, the actual weight will fall between the 320 lb. calculation and the 333.76 lb. calculation.
  • 10 gallon water heater is 2310 cubic inches and the water weighs 80 pounds.
  • 20 gallon water heater is 4620 cubic inches and the water weighs 160 pounds.
  • 30 gallon water heater is 6930 cubic inches and the water weighs 240 pounds.
  • 40 gallon water heater is 9240 cubic inches and the water weighs 320 pounds.
  • 50 gallon water heater is 11550 cubic inches and the water weighs 400 pounds.
  • 80 gallon water heater is 18480 cubic inches and the water weighs 640 pounds.
  • 100 gallon water heater is 23100 cubic inches and the water weighs 800 pounds.
Do keep in mind the temperature versus density considerations and the expansion of water when heated, i.e., a fully hot water heater tank weighs slightly less than a cold or warm water tank heater that's been freshly refilled after usage. The difference between hot and cold water density versus volume is significant enough that most water heaters have a temperature pressure relief valve and a drainage tube or pipe to compensate for this.

Converting Cubic Inches to Cubic Feet...

...and the corresponding volume and weight ratios. It is surprising how much just one cubic foot of water weighs.

With the pint-equals-pound rule, one cubic foot of water weighs 60 pounds for approximation purposes.

A cubic foot is 12 inches times 12 inches times 12 inches. So 1728 cubic inches equals 1 cubic foot. To convert cubic inches to cubic feet, simply divide the cubic inches by 1728. So using the above examples, we would have:
  • 2310 cubic inches equals 1.34 cubic feet equaling 10 gallons equaling 80 lb.
  • 4620 cubic inches equals 2.68 cubic feet equaling 20 gallons equaling 160 lb.
  • 6930 cubic inches equals 4.02 cubic feet equaling 30 gallons equaling 240 lb.
  • 9240 cubic inches equals 5.36 cubic feet equaling 40 gallons equaling 320 lb.
  • 11550 cubic inches equals 6.70 cubic feet equaling 50 gallons equaling 400 lb.
  • 18480 cubic inches equals 10.72 cubic feet equaling 80 gallons equaling 640 lb.
  • 23100 cubic inches equals 13.40 cubic feet equaling 100 gallons equaling 800 lb.
* A side note. I happened to stumble across this on Wikipedia: "Pound (mass), a unit of mass often abbreviated incorrectly as 'lbs' in the plural. Abbreviations of units of measure do not use an 's' on the end for plural."

May all your calculations be prosperous ones.

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Negative Customer Review re: MasterCool Evaporative / Swamp Cooler - And Problems

Latest update: December 4, 2024. Page URL indicates original publication date; meanwhile, times change, and the updates continue.

Another summer is on the way. Here is an unfortunately negative product reliability customer review of MasterCool evaporative aka swamp coolers, plus water cooler pump installation and replacement instructions.

It should be noted that water cooler pumps are the least of MasterCool's poor quality control and reliability problems.

The primary purpose of this page is a review of the MasterCool and same-company other brands of evaporative aka swamp coolers. The detailed How-to-Replace-Water-Cooler-Pump segment was included simply because it is such a frequent problem with any and all evaporative swamp coolers. The pump failure is a side issue, it is the other poor quality standards and reliability issues of MasterCool evaporative aka swamp coolers that resulted in the publishing of this negative review. These issues are addressed immediately following the water cooler pump replacement segment.

MasterCool window evaporative cooler.

My personal experience and what this review specifically is referring to is the MasterCool MCP44 Evaporative Cooler. However, the same company that makes MasterCool also makes the Champion and Essick brands of evaporative swamp coolers. If a company makes a poorly manufactured one brand or model, it's a pretty good bet their other brands are of equally poor quality. That's a decision only you can make. At minimum, you definitely want to at least avoid MasterCool.

The first problem was the failed water pump, it lasted a little more than a year. If you are only here for the review, you will find the first paragraph immediately below the cooler pump picture informative; then might as well skip past the numbered list to the next section where things really get interesting. There are also pictures after the review showing what the inside of the MasterCool window evaporative swamp cooler looks like.

About and How to Replace or Install the MCP44 Series MasterCool Evaporative Water Cooler Pump (instructions will probably work equally well with many other brands and models)

Model ESK5500 Cooler Pump.
There is additional information and pictures of the MasterCool evaporative swamp cooler with the back panel removed following the review.

I acquired the new MasterCool MCP series evaporative swamp cooler unit a few years ago. The water pump lasted a little longer than a year. If you think getting the back panel off the evaporative cooler unit is a major project, just wait until it's time to correctly put the thing back on. There sat the water pump; "Made in China" it duly informed me. Water pumps are the known weak link when it comes to evaporative swamp coolers, the manufacturers know this and so try to make the component fairly easy to replace. Here is the procedure, don't forget to check out the additional pictures and warnings following the main review.

Read the entire list and check out the additional pictures and information a few times before beginning the actual step-by-step pump replacement process. You will then have a pretty good idea of the overall procedure and there will be fewer surprises. In other words, now that you know the hazard points, things will go a lot quicker and easier. In fact, once that back panel is off, the whole procedure will pretty much be intuitive. All the information and pictures make it sound a lot more complicated than it really is. "Check list" might be a better description than "step-by-step".
  1. Check the electrical info on the replacement water pump and plug into a wall socket for a couple seconds to be sure the new pump works. Note if the new pump already has a protective screen wrapped around the bottom of it.
  2. Unplug the entire unit from the wall socket and turn off the water feed. 
  3. Read the manual. Among other things, it tells you how to remove the back panel and about the water hose you need to disconnect at the top and inside of the unit before you can completely remove the back panel. The additional pictures further down this page have more info.
  4. Drain/siphon water from tray.
  5. Very carefully retrieve the water-protected water pump electrical power cord from the enclosure. Definitely peruse the additional pictures and information further down the page before attempting this, otherwise you might accidentally unplug the cord while it is still in the protected enclosure. If that happens, retrieval of the inside cord could be a major problem. Once the plugin part is reached and extracted, do NOT unplug yet.
  6. Unbolt and/or unscrew the clamps/brackets/etc. that are holding the pump in place.
  7. Pull off the water hose from the pump. There may or may not be a clamp you have to undo first.
  8. Remove the still plugged in old pump and set aside elsewhere on the tray. If no new screen was provided with the new pump, retrieve and clean the filter screen wrapped around the bottom of the old pump.
  9. More than likely, the entire bottom of the unit is filled with peeled paint and other debris. Now is a good time to clean up and get rid of all that. You'll have to move the old pump around while doing this, maybe place it on top of the bracket. Do not unplug it.
  10. Bring out the new pump. It will also be made in China, apparently no other options are  available for this unit. If needed, wrap old screen around new pump as it was on the old pump.
  11. Place the new pump where the old pump originally was.
  12. Make sure the water hose, electrical cord, and bracket(s) are all completely untangled from each other. Review pictures.
  13. Unplug the old pump. Do not let go of the cord coming from inside of the housing, otherwise it might slip back inside; you do not want that to happen. Plug in the new pump. Reinsert electrical cord back into the water-protected location. Don't reattach plastic cap yet.
  14. Reconnect the water hose.
  15. Position everything as you want it to be and attach pump to all the previous bracket and other connection points.
  16. Check tray. Remove all tools, parts, rags, the old pump if it is still laying there, and everything else that doesn't belong.
  17. Turn the water feed back on and confirm the water level rises to the level you wish it to be, give it at least 15 minutes. The higher, the better; but not above the overflow drain height. Adjust float if necessary.
  18. Time for the test. Unhook/Pull away the water hose from the plastic holders on evaporative swamp cooler and make sure the hose is pointed at the ground and well away from the pump and tray. The absolute last thing you want to do is spray either of those pumps with water. Plug evaporative swamp cooler back in the wall socket; turn the pump on for several seconds to check that everything works. Give the fan a couple seconds as well. Turn everything off and re-unplug the cooler.
  19. Push the water hose back into the plastic holders on the swamp cooler. Review pictures and accompanying information. Reattach plastic cap. Give everything one last, good look over.
  20. Time to reinstall the back panel. Brute strength and ingenuity will be required to get that thing setting back on top of the tray. Reconnect the hose at the top. You should be able to get your hand in there; grab the rubber hose; and force it back to the top of the tube. Twist and turn the hose as needed to remove any kinks.
  21. Time for more brute strength, ingenuity, and persistence. You will need to lift the panel about an inch or two above the tray; line it up with the sliders on the sides of the cooler; then shove panel flat against the cooler and pull down, hooking the panel back onto the sliders. Multiple attempts will probably be required. When there are no gaps on the sides and between the tray and panel, it probably means you succeeded. I didn't bother putting the two screws back in, that panel wasn't going anywhere. Recheck the water feed valve is still on.
  22. Plug the unit back in the wall socket; ponder that switch panel for a moment before reaching for it... Check the back panel that all the pads are getting wet. If they are, then it looks like you were successful in reinstalling the back panel correctly. Good luck.
If the water cooler pump had been the only incident, I would not have written this negative review. It is what happened next that pretty much made this review mandatory.

The Day the MasterCool Died...

Everything worked fine for another year or two. Then came that fateful morning...

It was going to be a hot one, temps in the 90's were on the way. I turned the water pump on to soak the pads as usual for five minutes before turning on the fan. The little, green light glowed benignly, and the water pump whirred happily.

I then went back and turned on the fan. The fan started up. Then the whole unit suddenly shut down. The fan. The pump. The switch lights. Everything.

I tried again. Everything shut down again. I tried different combinations of turning on the various switches. Self-shutdown every time. I tried using the remote instead. Same results.

I somehow sensed and knew I was already doomed. But I went through the motions and checked the house circuitry and fuse/switch box six ways from Sunday. There were no problems; that cooler was getting uninterrupted power.

I tried messing with the switches again, same results. Then the symptoms changed. At first, the pump and the fan worked fine when each was turned on alone. But whenever I turned the second one on, that's when the whole system would shut down.

Suddenly though, now with each attempt, the switch lights would flicker on and off at random for a few seconds before shutdown occurred. In other words, the lights would start doing a strange, little dance; water pump and blower fan sometimes automatically responding accordingly, sometimes not.

As for checking for loose wire connections, chip creep, or anything else a non-expert might be able to fix; forget it. The switch panel circuit board location was completely inaccessible.

I'm standing there looking at the thing after it had done its little dance and shutting itself off for the 30th time or whatever. Then MasterCool decided it was time to perform the coup de grace to any remaining hopes of repair. It turned itself on. That's right. The unit started itself, all the lights happily flickering back and forth for several seconds with the fan and pump sometimes joining in, and then once again shutting itself down . That control circuit board was not only toast, it was unsafe.

"And that truly is indeed that," thought I. I unplugged the unit for the last time.

I'm sitting at my desk, pondering my next move, when I happened to glance down and notice the back page of the owner's manual (printed in China by the way). It proudly informed me the Essick, Champion, MasterCool family of evaporative swamp coolers are designed, assembled, and serviced in the USA. What they don't mention is all the components were made in China or elsewhere.

As far as I'm concerned, lying by omission is still lying. I put the odds at 99.9% that circuit board switch panel was made in China. Even if it wasn't it was still a low quality, poorly manufactured component no matter where it was made. And you can bet Champion, Essick, MasterCool brands all use the same supplier(s). That's when I decided to write this review.

Back page of MasterCool manual.

This page is just my opinion. However, evaporative swamp coolers are an expensive proposition. Please do the homework and research before making that final decision. Suddenly having your cooling system malfunction during a hot summer day is not a pleasant experience.

Side note. Here's a video review (opens in new tab or window) from a new buyer of the MasterCool MCP44 series brand. He has both positive and negative things to say about it. He also mentions one very serious flaw. Basically, every insect in the neighborhood will end up inside your home; he'll tell you all about that. I'd wondered where all those moths and gnats were coming from, I even had an indoor mosquito. Now I know.

I would avoid MasterCool evaporative swamp coolers at all costs. And since Essick and Champion are made by the same company with the same poor-quality standards, I would seriously try to avoid those as well. Unfortunately, there seems to be some sort of monopoly situation in play. Other brands are hard to find. If anyone can recommend another brand, there are probably a whole lot of people who would very seriously appreciate hearing about it in the comments section.

An Update. A contractor recently told me how to get the front panel off to access the circuit board(s). Basically, you scrape off the plastic at certain points (four, circular, indented, perimeter) and the screws are underneath.

[End of Review. Pictures follow.]

Here Are Some Pictures of What You Will Find When You Remove the Back Panel of the MCP44 Series Evaporative Swamp Cooler

There are two more screw holes at the base. Both were covered with silicon dry gel.
When I removed the gel, no screws were present. Your results may vary.

Once the screws are removed, slide the back panel up off the side slots (remember about those side slots, they'll be your nemesis when reinstalling the panel) and pull panel away from the cooler just a little bit. Do not try to remove the panel yet, the water hose is still attached. Using a flat edge screwdriver will help pry/pull the thing off. Won't be that difficult.

Success. The panel can now be removed. Brute strength and ingenuity will be required.

Welcome to the inside of the MasterCool evaporative swamp cooler.
Note the water hose running along the length of the left side, it is easily detachable and re-attachable to the three plastic holders you see. You'll be doing that when you do your quick test at the end.
The two pumps you see in the tray are the water pump and purge pump. Note the two electrical wires running from the pumps to the square, black hole at the bottom-left of the fan housing.
At lower-right, on the outside, is the water feed.

Where the pump wires go. That black, square aperture in the previous picture was originally covered with the white, square, plastic cover you see. You will need to remove the two screws and plastic cover. These three items are prime candidates for getting lost, so I put them in my empty, front pants pocket.

Now comes the risky business part. You need to fish those wires out of that hole. Do it slowly, carefully, and gently jiggle the wires whenever feeling any resistance. Pulling the wires too hard will unplug them while they are still inside the housing. You do not want that to happen.

You will eventually end up with the two plugs on the outside. Keeping in mind the warning in the first set of instructions, pull out the old cooler pump plug and plug in the new one at the appropriate time and as described.
Reinsert the wires back into the housing; and adjust everything the way you want it to be. Then finally put the plastic cover and two screws back on the electrical access aperture.

Everything reattached and ready to go. Time to do the test as described in the first segment.

After the test, refasten the hose back into the plastic holders. Check entire length for kinks.

A side note picture of the floater, controlling the water level in the tray. Slightly bending the floater rod up or down will change the water level accordingly.

A side note, example picture close up of how the water feed and valve might be connected to the water supply. Configurations vary.

© On this particular article, images are copyrighted by

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Daylight Savings Time Ends Sunday, November 3, 2024, 2:00 am; East and West Coast, Central, Mountain. More info.

Latest update: September 24, 2024. Page URL indicates original publication date; meanwhile, times change, and the updates continue.

USA Daylight Saving Time: its meaning; about it in general; when is it; where is it; more.

All about and dealing with the Daylight Savings Time (DST) changes in the US and around the world, plus some resource links. Technically, it's actually called "Daylight Saving Time", without the "s". But we all seem determined to add that extra letter and we all seem fine with it. This page briefly covers:
  • The what and why of daylight savings time and some time zone notes.
  • The current US schedule for when daylight savings time begins and ends.
  • Where is daylight savings time in the US and some time zone notes.
  • Dealing with changing all the clocks.
  • Daylight savings time around the world.

Daylight Saving Time Around the World

Why Have and What Is Daylight Savings Time?

This page is US-centric; but except for the start and end dates, it's pretty much all the same.

The purpose of Daylight Savings Time is to conserve energy. There is some dispute as to whether this objective is accomplished or not. The methodology used is to move one hour of sunlight from the morning to the evening by resetting the clocks.

The official abbreviation for Daylight Savings Time is DST (Standard Time being ST). So, for the east and west coast time zones for example, the designations alter from EST and PST to EDT and PDT and vice-versa.

When Does Daylight Savings Time Start and End in 2024?

Daylight Saving Time Begins: Sunday, March 10, 2024, 2:00 am (dates updated yearly)

To move one hour of sunlight from the morning to the evening, clocks are reset ahead one hour every spring. Currently this is done on the second Sunday of every March at 2:00 a.m. At the appointed time, the clocks are reset forward to 3:00 a.m. ("spring forward").

Daylight Saving Time Ends: Sunday, November 3, 2024, 2:00 am (dates updated yearly)

To make things as they were and move that extra sunlight hour back to the morning, clocks are reset back one hour every fall. Currently this is done the first Sunday of every November at 2:00 a.m. At the appointed time, the clocks are reset from 2:00 a.m. back to 1:00 a.m. ("fall back"). Generally, folks aren't amused when this happens; they have become used to not having to commute home in the dark every evening.

Where Is Daylight Savings Time? East and West Coast. More.

Not all of the US engages in this adventure. Both Hawaii and most of Arizona decided they wanted nothing to do with it. Most US territories also do not observe Daylight Savings Time. These entities remain on Standard Time year-round.

The Clock-Changing Reality...

 Be glad you don't have to mess with this one...
Yb (Ytterbium) Lattice Atomic Clock (NIST)

What one is "supposed" to do is reset all the clocks and watches before going to bed. However, more often than not, this usually does not happen. The clocks, watches, etc. generally get reset Sunday throughout the day, usually because there are so many of them. Personally, I start doing the resetting beginning mid Saturday morning. By the time I go to bed, I've pretty much already adjusted to the time change.

The various computer and computer-related clocks are invariably checked to see if they were indeed coordinated enough to do what they were supposed to do.

If you are looking to reset everything accurately right down to the precise second, you can do so at Daylight Savings Time changes are also supposed to be the bi-annual reminder to check and/or change your smoke and carbon monoxide detectors and batteries.

Daylight Saving Time Around the World

DST World Overview List

  • Canada is as the US; most provinces and territories take it, some leave it. Mexico is the same.
  • Central and South America mostly want nothing to do with Daylight Savings Time; however, Chile and parts of Brazil do indeed do DST.
  • Europe mostly does do Daylight Savings Time. Russia, China, and all of Asia want absolutely nothing to do with it.
  • Australia is as the US, Canada and Mexico; majority do, but some don't.
  • Africa is 90% don't do DST and 10% do DST.
Looks like our species can't even agree on what time it is. But that's OK, we somehow still manage to keep muddling along. In all seriousness, geography and cultural differences do sometimes necessitate adjustments.

Non-US daylight savings time start and end dates can usually be found at

World Time Zone Non Standard Abbreviations

There sure are a lot of them... Not only that, but many of the abbreviations are also not unique. The whole thing is a complete, non-standardized mess. The reason is each country makes up their own locally relevant designations. The timeanddate website appears to have the best compilation of the non-standardized world time zone abbreviations currently being used.

There is also a World Standardized Time Zone and a World Standardized Time Code

  • GMT (0/-/+) is the time zone abbreviation for Greenwich Mean Time. Many other time zones will refer to themselves as GMT, plus or minus the number of hours difference between their time zone and the GMT time zone.
  • UTC (0/-/+) is the time code abbreviation for Coordinated Universal Time or Universal Coordinated Time. This is the military and civilian standard mostly used these days.
Neither GMT nor UTC observes DST; instead, the -/+ offsets are adjusted at the local level. In other words, as Daylight Saving Time comes and goes, the GMT/UTC offsets change. As an example, for the US East Coast, the GMT/UTC offset changes from -5 to -4 during DST. For the US West Coast, the GMT/UTC offset changes from -8 to -7 during DST.


"-" means it's an hour earlier.  "+" means it's an hour later.
Note that each time zone also has its own letter designation.

Random List of UTC/GMT Offset Examples (during non-daylight-saving times):

  • 0 London; Paris
  • -5 New York; Quebec; US East Coast. (-4 during DST)
  • -6 Winnipeg; Dallas
  • -7 Denver; Edmonton
  • -8 Los Angeles; San Francisco; US West Coast (-7 during DST)
  • -10 Honolulu
  • +1 Berlin
  • +3 Moscow
  • +8 Shanghai; Perth
  • +9 Tokyo
  • +10 Sydney

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Friday the 13th Guide for May and October, 2023

Latest update: January 2, 2023. Page URL indicates original publication date; meanwhile, times change and the updates continue.

Beware the Epic Fail

We have two Friday the 13th days in year 2023.
  • January 2023
  • October 2023

A Short Friday the 13th Guide

  • Beware the power of suggestion; if not yours, then others.
  • Beware the powers of coincidence.
  • Inspect those car tires before driving to work today.
  • Ambiguously timed yellow light? Today you choose to stop.
  • Beware idiot drivers. 
  • Beware idiot pedestrians.
  • An out-of-sorts coworker or boss? Unobtrusive avoidance is the key.
  • Someone wants to talk politics or religion with you today? Best to avoid that.
  • An email attachment from a stranger? Best not to open that.
  • Making a spontaneous, online post or email? Maybe reread before firing off that critter.
  • Computer doing anything weird? Virus/malware scanning time.
  • Feeling overly optimistic? Feeling overly pessimistic? Either way, extra thought prior to action is not a bad idea.
  • Engaging a new service provider? Always check the BBB and Yelp reviews first.
  • A strange telephone caller? Scammers and solicitors are the norm these days. Don't answer or quickly hang up if you do. Well, actually you should always do that anyway. Come to think of it, that pretty much applies to everything on this list.

Have a safe Friday the 13th. Our country continues to be a mess, re: politics, the economy, civil unrest, and possibly even some more pandemic adventures. Expectations are that things will eventually be better. but these are wild times and no one really knows.

And then there is that thing called entropy; here are the top 10 ways entropy messes with us. It is not pretty, but that's the way it is; at least it is presented in a somewhat humorous light. Well worth the read and helps put things in perspective.

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Z - What Is Zark / Zerk / Zirk / Zork / Zurk - The Short Definitions and Uses Compendium

Latest update: August 23, 2022. Page URL indicates original publication date; meanwhile, times change and the updates continue.

Z ≡ RK

I decided to research the land of zurk, zork, zirk, zerk, and zark. Someone had to do it. Interestingly, different spellcheckers each have their own different subsets of pet peeves concerning these words. Though this page is somewhat humorous, it is also 100% factual.

Zark Definition and Usage

Looks like zark came into being, courtesy of the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. It can also be used as a swear word. Merely use it in place of the F-bomb, e.g., "That guy can zark off".

Zerk Definition and Usage

A zerk is a grease fitting. Somehow I don’t think this particular definition will come up too often in conversations.

Zerk is also another word for crazy; as in, “He went zerk when Zurk said no.”

Zerk can also be used to refer to acceleration and deceleration; examples being, we zerk when the light turns green and we zerk when we come to a stop sign.

Zerk can also be used as a verb, as in zerking from the scene.

Zirk Definition and Usage

The act of conning or taking advantage of someone. One can zirk someone; and one can be zirked by someone. Example, “I know he zirked me on that deal.”

Zork Definition and Usage

A well-known computer game.

Zurk Definition and usage

Zurk is still awaiting admittance to the English language. The word as yet remains undefined. Zurk, as with some of the others, is also a surname. When someone with the Zurk surname does something notable, we will then have our zurk definition. A year 2022 update: various meanings and definitions are now showing up in searches for the word "zurk". It is unknown yet as to whether these transitory meanings and definitions will become permanent.

A Couple Random Notes

Zarkness, Zerkness, Zirkness, Zorkness, Zurkness are all popular user names.

As for zarkdom, zerkdom, zirkdom, zorkdom, and zurkdom; excepting for usage in some fictional stories, these words are likewise still awaiting usage and definitions in the English language. I figure it is only a matter of time.

And this concludes the what is, uses for, and definitions of zork, zerk, zark, zirk, and zurk.

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A 100% Meritocracy Is Flawed. How It Relates to Society, Capitalism, Darwinism

Latest update: February 1, 2022. Page URL indicates original publication date; meanwhile, times change and the updates continue.

Meritocracy - Society - Politics

The Sociological Definition and Results of a 100% Meritocracy, i.e., Societal Darwinism

Why a 100% meritocratic society can never work as a standalone system; the pros and cons. For democrats, republicans, liberals, conservatives, and anyone else who is interested. A blended meritocracy is what seems to work best.

Darwinism - Another Word for Meritocracy

A Meritocratic Society

Meritocracy is a good thing. In addition to rewarding those who can compete, it generates lots of extra money that can be used to help those who cannot. Unfortunately, meritocracy can never work as a standalone system. This is due to the fundamental nature of meritocracy and, of all things, the basic laws of mathematics.

What is a meritocracy? For the purposes of this article, meritocracy is defined as one's survival and success being solely contingent upon one's ability to compete and contribute to society in such a way as to prosper.

Meritocracy and capitalism have a lot in common. In a "perfect" system, the concept of money could be defined as the method used to quantify one's success.

The Scenario – What would happen if a society were to convert to a 100% meritocracy? The sociological implications...

In a meritocracy there will always be winners and losers. In many cases the loser worked just as hard as the winner, but the winner was just a little bit better at it. The winner thus gets more and the loser gets less. So far, no problem. And the loser can always try again.

However, resources are finite. For the bottom 10%, there will always not be enough. There will not be enough shelter. There will not be enough food. There will not be enough health care. There will not be enough of a lot of things. It is inevitable, due to the lack of even the basic necessities of life, the "losers" will sooner or later lose the ability to compete. Now what with this being a 100% meritocratic scenario, what happens to them?

It is already abundantly demonstrated in our present society one of two alternatives will occur...

Alternative One – The Person Dies

In our present society, homeless people unnecessarily die all the time. Everyone knows living on the streets will eventually destroy most people through attrition: a continual decline of health, the eventual and inevitable being a victim of successive crimes, and finally the loss of ability to defend or survive, and then death.

However, we are not talking about our current society. We are discussing a 100% meritocratic society. Therefore: there are no free job-training programs; there are no homeless shelters; there are no food banks or food programs; there is no affordable health care; there is no type of charity or handout whatsoever.

Needless to say, this greatly accelerates the attrition, leading to death or the second alternative.

Alternative Two – A New Criminal Is Born

Steal, rob, kill; or die. That pretty much sums it up.

Of course the number of criminals will continually be reduced for the usual reasons: competition among same; attrition through street-living; "eradication" by society via imprisonment, etc.

As the number of criminals are reduced, others will take their place.

The Brutal Mathematics

What happens when the bottom 10% gradually dies; whether it be through Alternative One or Alternative Two? The answer is simple; they will gradually be replaced by a new 10%. It is a brutal mathematical fact; there will always be a bottom 10%.

Recursion comes into play. As the bottom 10% shrink through death, new lowest 10%'ers will take their place. Along with an expanding criminal element and a shrinking population; riots and other civil unrest could very well become commonplace. 100% meritocracy is equivalent to 100% Darwinism. Both are good, but not at the 100% implementation level.


A 100% meritocracy is not only brutal and full of misery, it is destined to fail.

An 80% to 90% meritocracy, however, could be a good thing. We pretty much have that now. We just need to get better at it.

It should also be noted that a meritocracy below 80% will more than likely lead to a country's bankruptcy. This apparently is already happening in some European countries.

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Here is an interesting, related article from Vox: The problem with America’s semi-rich. It also relates to meritocracy and society.

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